Session 1 – All Things New

Conversation starter

Discuss some or all of the following questions:

  • You wake up to a bank error in your favour! You have £1 million that cannot be given back. What do you do now?
  • How would you describe the hope your friends and neighbours have for the future?
  • How would you complete this sentence: “The hope for the future of the people in the UK is…”?
Reading Scripture Together

Read the passage aloud together
Revelation 21:1-5

  • What is the Spirit highlighting to you in this passage today?
  • How does this passage describe the biblical future hope?
  • “I am making all things new” – how do you understand this?
Video content 1

The Clay Pot Story

Discussion Questions

Discuss some or all of the following questions:

  • What stands out to you from this story?
  • What does it say to you about “All Things New”?
  • What do you feel in response to this story for your context today?
Video Content 2

A talk specifically picking the idea of decreation and recreation, linking Genesis; Col 1 and Rev 21 – Creation – De-creation – Re-creation


Ask some or all of the following questions:

  • What do you find helpful about the framework?
  • In what ways can you see de-creation at work in our world?
  • How does the Christian hope change our perspective on the areas of de-creation we see in the world?
  • With regard to re-creation: what aspects of Christian hope are realised now, and what aspects are for the future?
  • Listen to the song ‘Living Hope’ by Phil Wickham.
  • Take some time to pray prayers of thanks. Thank God for what this living hope means for you.
  • Pray into areas of de-creation you see around you.